Letters To The Editor – Rental Registry Ordinance

By Chris Kramer — Sept 13, 2023

The City of Monterey’s proposed (and likely to pass) rental registry ordinance has become highly contentious. The second reading of the ordinance will be going before City Council on Sept 19. It is on a lot of people’s minds. It should be. There are a lot of renters and landlords with a stake in the decision. There have been articles in the Monterey Herald and the Carmel Pine Cone. It has been on the news. There have been several letters to the editor. Nextdoor is blowing up online with people discussing whether a registry is a good or a bad idea. Sometimes in a civil manner. Other times, not so much.

Our very own Lawrence Samuels (Chair of LP of Monterey County) myself (Vice Chair), as well as economist David R. Henderson (Libertarians For Peace) had letters to the editor in opposition to Monterey’s rental registry published in the Sept 12/13 Monterey Herald. Here is the link.

https://www.montereyherald.com/2023/09/12/letters-to-the-editor-12/?fbclid=IwAR3s8b3ztnpZy5Fk4cHpUzLMyZ3meax4KmTMY2d9JD4vTYc7MUPmpgVdR7U: Letters To The Editor – Rental Registry Ordinance